Perpetual Adoration is a Eucharistic devotion where you enter into a peaceful encounter with Jesus. The faithful unite in taking hours of adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament, both during the day and throughout the night, seven days a week. Adoration also connects our parish into a community of perpetual prayer. It unites us through our petitions, our concerns, and our prayers of thanksgiving. It helps us remain as one family, through our time of prayer and devotion.
Perpetual Adoration is YOUR personal time with Jesus.
It is a time for rest:
“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)
It is a time for us to learn what God wants for us in our lives:
“I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk, give you counsel with my eye upon you.” (Psalm 32:8)
The exposition of Jesus in the monstrance must always be attended to properly, otherwise it leaves our Lord vulnerable. Since He is exposed out of love for us, it is our duty to make sure He is protected. Therefore, at least one person must be in the chapel while He is exposed.
You are most welcome.
If we are experiencing inclement weather and need to close the chapel an email will be sent to all adores via AdorationPro.
“Consistency is forged in the heart through (Eucharistic) adoration.”
“Adoration is not a luxury but a priority…”
“In order to evangelize the world, we need experts in celebration, adoration and contemplation of the Holy Eucharist” As a bishop and later as Pope he would even write much of his work before the Blessed Sacrament and his secretaries tell us that they would sometimes find him lying prostrate before the Tabernacle in the middle of the night. Before each of his missionary journeys he would spend prolonged periods in Eucharistic Adoration. This is why when he arrived in a country the presence of the Lord was radiating from his very person.”
“This practice of adoration, in fact, is based on strong and solid reasons. For the Eucharist is at once a sacrifice and a sacrament; but it differs from the other sacraments in this: that it not only produces grace, but contains in a permanent manner the Author of grace Himself. When, therefore, the Church bids us adore Christ hidden behind the Eucharistic veils and pray to Him for spiritual and temporal favors, of which we ever stand in need, she manifests living faith in her divine Spouse who is present beneath these veils, she professes her gratitude to Him and she enjoys the intimacy of His friendship.”
“You must propagate veneration of the Most Blessed Sacrament with all your might, for the devotion to the Holy Eucharist is the queen of all devotions.”
“It is our duty to adore the Blessed Sacrament. No one receives the Blessed Sacrament unless he adores it…and not only do we not sin by adoring, we do sin by not adoring!”
“The only time our Lord asked the apostles for anything was the night he went into agony. Not for activity did he plead, but for companionship.”
“My greatest happiness is to be before the Blessed Sacrament, where my heart is, as it were, in Its centre.”
“My sweetest Joy is to be in the presence of Jesus in the holy Sacrament. I beg that when obliged to withdraw in body, I may leave my heart before the holy Sacrament. How I would miss Our Lord if He were to be away from me by His presence in the Blessed Sacrament!”
“O Jesus! on this day, you have fulfilled all my desires. From now on, near the Eucharist, I shall be able To sacrifice myself in silence, to wait for Heaven in peace. Keeping myself open to the rays of the Divine Host, In this furnace of love, I shall be consumed, And like a seraphim, Lord, I shall love You.”
“Let weak and frail man come here suppliantly to adore the Sacrament of Christ, not to discuss high things, or wish to penetrate difficulties, but to bow down to secret things in humble veneration, and to abandon God’s mysteries to God, for Truth deceives no man—Almighty God can do all things. Amen.”
“The Eucharist bathes the tormented soul in light and love.”